Monday, September 26, 2011

Occupy Wall Street

If you are going to protest know what you are protesting for.  No solution or goals equal no results.  If you are creating a political movement, then create a political party with a name.  As a new political party and protesting have a list of grievances. 

A political Party name might be “The People’s Party”

A list of grievances might be as follows:

  1. All citizens, business, and corporations must pay equal percentage of taxes regardless of income.
  2. Government funded TV stations will be set up for all political campaigns. Money will no longer be the deciding factor.
  3. No contribution whatsoever is allowed to any political campaign.  Politicians are no longer for sale.
  4. There will be absolutely no lobbying.
  5. The People will have the right and the power to impeach the entire Senate and Congress if deemed necessary.
  6. The People will have the right and power to impeach the president if deemed necessary.
  7. Congressmen, Senators, and all judges including the Supreme Court judges will be limited to three 4 year terms or two 6 year terms.
  8. The government will implement a failsafe plan to absorb the unemployed into government jobs during any economical downfall and give tax incentives to business and corporations who help absorb unemployed if deemed necessary.
  9. Corrupt politicians if found guilty will face 10 times the normal punishment.
  10. A league of Scientists will be created to mandate laws that must be enforced to insure the safety of this planet.
  11. There will be three forms of public schools which will teach our children there is consequences for their actions.
    1. Public schools as they are today.
    2. All male and all female Public schools wearing uniforms.
    3. All male and all female military boarding schools.
  12. The government shall legalize all drugs.
  13. Other countries that do not control their borders and citizens form illegally crossing will forfeit sections of their land as payment for costs ensued protecting our borders.
  14. Countries that due not control their citizens from terrorist activities against the United States of America will have all their airline services shut down until our enemies are handed to us.
  15. Any criminal action by any religious factor if found guilty will serve 100 times the normal punishment.         

1 comment:

  1. Sorry - citizens, businesses and corporations must pay a progressive tax, based on the amount of services they receive from the Government.

    For example, if you are manufacturing overseas, you are using the services of our Navy to protect your ships in the shipping lanes. You must pay for this, to the degree that you use it. If you own property overseas, you must pay for the military exercises required to maintain your ownership of this property. If you gain trade-agreements, you must pay the expenses incurred, again to the degree that you use it.

    If you think this might be difficult to enumerate, you are correct. It would probably employ many, many accountants and analysts.

    But it would also create a large pool of money for the Government to recapitalize our nation with the new wave of technology, which the corporations are hording and which technology and infrastructure they are resisting.

    Corporations do not have absolute economic rights. They are not superior organisms.
