Our Public school system is a disgrace it does not teach there are consequences for ones actions. Lack of discipline in children’s lives breeds convicts. Your child can learn now or learn later in a prison system.
I do not believe in physical punishment it is a form of humiliation. "Time Out" I believe to be the answer. It just needs to be implemented on a larger scale in our public school system.
I believe there should be three forms of public schools
1. Regular public schools like we have today.
2. All female all male schools with uniforms.
3. All female all male military boarding school with uniforms.
If a child creates too much of a disturbance in school 1 or does not pass the curriculum they will have to go to school number 2
If a child creates too much of a disturbance in school 2 or does not pass the curriculum they will have to go to school number 3 away from home.
When and if they start improving they can work their way back up to school number 1.
This teaches there are consequences for ones actions and will ready a child for the work place and the real world.
When and if a child hits school number 3, part of the stay there will be to understand a child’s wants and needs a physiological understanding to better help with a child’s progress.
This is a system that can truly state NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND.
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